

找到你永远的朋友,培养你的领导能力,投身于服务工作, all while making memories 这将持续一生.


Alpha Chi Omega


真正的. STRONG. 女性.

Alpha Chi Omega是一个全国性的妇女组织,丰富了两者的生活 its collegiate 和 alumnae members through lifetime opportunities for friendship, leadership, learning, service. 

真正的. STRONG. 女性.

正如《九州娱乐官网》所述,Alpha Chi Omega的目的是“鼓励 真正的姐妹精神,通过个人的努力培养出高尚的道德和精神 标准,并促进其成员对美术的欣赏和实践.” 在那里 are 131 chapters, from coast to coast, with nearly 12,000 collegiate members 回馈社区,养成终身学习的习惯,结交朋友 这将持续一生.

的 members of Alpha Chi Omega are scholars, leaders, work to serve others. 他们 参加体育运动,组织和领导许多俱乐部,并且是学术成员 荣誉的社会. Together, the members of Alpha Chi Omega are bonded by sisterhood. 姐妹会的活动有秋天的静修,冬天的正式活动和春天的正式活动,数不胜数 socials in cooperation with Greek life 和 various other organizations on campus, movie nights, dinners, many other sisterhood activities. 

Domestic violence is both a national 和 a worldwide crisis. 国内的后果 violence can cross generations 和 truly last a lifetime.


Alpha Chi Omega’s national philanthropy is 家庭暴力意识. 

10月是全国意识月,这是我们意识最活跃的时候 以及对受害者的支持. 我们的 chapter works hard to inform people of the often silenced violence that takes place so close to home. Awareness is key when it comes to Domestic 暴力,这就是为什么我们参与了一些努力,用我们的声音为被沉默的人说话.

在十月份,我们 “紫色” campus with decorations, ribbons, signs to get people asking. 这是一个伟大的 这是我们传播信息的方式,给人们每天的提醒,就像走路一样 校园. In the past, we have also had recruitment activities that entailed making care packages of toiletries 和 first aid materials for the women 和 children.

我们也每年举行一次 赌场之夜 为这项事业筹集资金. 我们的 赌场之夜 is a black-tie event, in which the sisters put together a mock casino. 在那里 are st和ard card games, a roulette table, cash bar, poker chips by the cup! 我们的 loving chapter sweethearts are the perfect 先生经营这些桌子,而我们的姐妹们卖筹码,抽奖券,当助手 guests, man the silent auction. 我们的 silent auction is an arrangement of many baskets all donated or sister created that are bid on. Highest bid gets the baskets 和 all 这些钱将用于我们的事业. Each basket has a theme 和 many contain donations from the wonderful businesses in our very own Chestertown!

All money from our philanthropic fundraisers goes to Mid-Shore 委员会. MSCFV创建 通过干预打破家庭暴力循环的健康机会 和 prevention by providing shelter, counseling, services 和 advocacy for victims 和施虐者.

In the spring, we try to hold awareness events to remind people that this happens 一年到头,不只是十月!! 这 spring, we are looking to join Soroptomists 为受家庭暴力影响的人举行赋权演讲和守夜活动. We are also working on bringing self-defense workshops to campus!

虽然不是我们国家慈善事业的一部分,阿尔法智欧米茄喜欢服务 我们社区的其他需求. To achieve this, we spend many hours at the local Humane 社会志愿服务. We also partake in adopting a highway for highway cleanup to 改善我们的环境. Lastly, our other major event in 灰姑娘的衣橱 (also known as Gown 给away), in which we collect new or gently worn dresses 和 gowns to donate to a local high school for students who cannot afford their own. 在那里 真的没有什么比在更衣室里穿这些衣服更暖心的了吗 beautiful ladies 和 giving them the chance to have the magical night that we all 深情地回顾. 

If 你 would like to learn more about our philanthropy, check out the 的 Mid-Shore 委员会 for 家庭 Violence 网站.


Alpha Chi Omega于1885年10月15日在格林堡的德堡大学成立, 印第安纳州. That’s about 70 miles southwest of our current headquarters in 印第安纳州polis.

Back when America was getting used to the notion that women belonged in 大学 at all, the dean of DePauw’s School of Music, Professor James Hamilton Howe, invited seven of his female students to form a women’s society within the school.

我们的 founders took Professor Howe’s suggestion a step further 和 formed a women’s fraternity, only the sixth of its kind in the country. 他们是第一批这样的人 in the music school 和 believed they’d be the last. 所以他们选择了这个名字 first 和 last letters of the Greek alphabet—Alpha 和 Omega. 他们写了" Kai "这个词 (和) in the middle, later changed it to the Greek letter Chi.

我们的 founders wanted Alpha Chi Omega to advance “the intellectual, social 和 moral 成员的“文化”. 它工作. Today, our women’s Fraternity, the Alpha Chi Omega Foundation 和 our National Housing Corporation serve more than 200,000 members in more than 130 collegiate chapters 和 200 alumnae chapters nationwide.


  • 安娜·艾伦
  • 橄榄伯内特
  • 贝莎Deniston
  • 艾米·杜波依斯
  • 内莉赌博
  • 贝茜新郎
  • 埃斯特尔伦纳德


伽马的ta章 ——马里兰大学


AOII leadership posing for a picture




阿尔法欧米克隆派充满了许多强壮,聪明,有创造力,运动,有趣,和 独特的个人. Together, we have a special bond with one another, making our 姐妹情谊是独一无二的. At 九州娱乐官网, we encourage one another to strive to be our best, while always being each other’s support. 

AOII的慈善事业是关节炎研究,姐妹们为此付出了很多努力 in raising money through various activities. In the September we have Blue Week, in which we decorate 校园 with blue for recognition of arthritis. 我们继续 week with different events that raise money for Juvenile Arthritis education & 研究中, 比如,Chick-fil-a午餐促销,关节运动瑜伽,制作康复卡 kids, lollipop raffle, AO Pi in the face, Strike Out Arthritis event. 同时,我们 举办一年一度的姐妹周末静修活动,让姐妹们建立感情、做手工、放松身心 湖!

Arthritis is the most common cause of disability in the USA. 超过3.5亿 individuals with arthritis have severe limitations in function on a daily basis. 


Alpha Omicron Pi’s international philanthropy is 关节炎研究 和 青少年关节炎基金会.

骨关节炎,类风湿性关节炎,纤维肌痛,狼疮和骨质疏松症 几种不同类型的关节炎及相关病症都比较普遍 在女性. 的 term, “arthritis,” encompasses more than 100 diseases 和 conditions that affect the joints, the surrounding tissues 和 other connective tissues. 这 disease is the nation’s leading cause of disability. 自1967年以来,超过1.500万年 AOII 's筹集了$,并通过基金会捐赠,以支持 mission of conquering arthritis once 和 for all!

关节炎影响了近7000万美国成年人,其中4100万是成年人 are women 和 300,000 are children. During 2017-2019, AOII Chapters 和 members raised $1,750,000 for the 关节炎基金会 for research 和 education!

西格玛Tau每年都会通过我们的“派在脸上”筹款活动为关节炎筹集资金, Spike Out Arthritis events, Blue Week!

If 你 would like to learn more about our philanthropy, check out the 关节炎基金会 网站.


Jasmine Dora Queen was an amazing sister who passed away in August 2008. 我想念她 greatly by every member of our chapter. 的 Sigma Tau Chapter decided to honor Jasmine by endowing a 奖学金 in her name through the AOII Foundation.

We were told that $20,000 had to be raised over 5 years to endow a 奖学金. 的 玫瑰女王5K race was born to raise money for this 奖学金. 在第一个 今年,我们举办了一场精彩的活动,筹集了12,000美元的善款 with the help of the 九州娱乐官网 community. 玫瑰女王五公里赛是 巨大的成功和很多乐趣! 的 event was even featured in our international magazine, 对Dragma!

今年秋天,我们将与贾斯敏的家人一起举办校友午宴,以纪念贾斯敏 和 to help raise money for the Jasmine Queen 奖学金. 在春天,我们会的 be having a flag football event for the community 和 九州娱乐官网 students 和教职员工一起来玩. 的 proceeds of the event will go towards the Jasmine Queen 奖学金. 


阿尔法欧米克隆派是一个国际兄弟会由全国泛希腊承认 委员会. It was founded on January 2, 1897 at Barnard College by four women, 海伦圣. 克莱尔·马伦, 杰西·华莱士·休根, 伊丽莎白·海伍德·怀曼  斯特拉·乔治·斯特恩·佩里,决心建立一个社会,这使他们保持终身的友谊. With their determination 和 dedication, the first chapter, Alpha, was founded.

今天,阿尔法欧米克隆派是一个国际女子兄弟会,有189名大学生 chapters 和 320 alumnae chapters in Canada 和 U.S.A. 其国际总部 它位于田纳西州的布伦特伍德,是全国泛希腊协会的成员之一 是由26个女性兄弟会成员组成的管理委员会 联谊会.

 object of the Fraternity shall be to encourage a 博爱精神   among its members; to st和 at all times for 字符, 尊严, 奖学金, 大学的忠诚; to strive for 和 support the 最佳利益 of the 大学s 和 universities in which chapters are installed, in no way to 为了声望或晋升而忽视、损害或牺牲这些利益 of the Fraternity or any of its chapters.


九州娱乐官网的西格玛头分会于1938年5月14日被特许成立,因此成为 校园里的第二批NPC. 26 charter members were initiated by International President, Mary Dee Danielson Drummond (Alpha Phi).

成立11年后,西格玛Tau获得了杰西华莱士休根杯, which honors the top collegiate chapter for two years. 我们还自豪地宣称 Sally Wagaman (Sigma Tau), 2003-2005年担任AOII国际主席. 


  • 塔贝塔-陶森大学
  • Pi Delta ——马里兰大学
ZTA grads st和ing on bridge wearing stole

ζ Tau α



ζ Tau Alpha的Gamma Beta分会致力于加强友谊,培养 爱的精神,让五十个成员的生活有所不同,并教导他们 服务的高尚.


ζ - Tau - Alpha at 九州娱乐官网 prides itself in our strong sisterhood. 光阴一去不复返 without having a friendly conversation with at least one sister while on campus. 我们的 sisterhood extends beyond our weekly chapter meetings, we are always spending time together simply because we genuinely 爱 one another. 我们的姐妹情谊决定了我们 apart because we support one another not just as students, but as people. 我们想要的 我们所有的姐妹都要做最好的自己,我们都互相帮助 实现这些目标. Also, many of our sisters are all involved in various organizations, 体育运动,以及校园内的俱乐部,这些都表明了ZTA是如何喜欢与它的学生保持联系的 学校社区.

ZTA的姐妹之情不仅仅止于活动,ZTA的姐妹们是如此 以友谊、传统和服务为纽带,使每个人都能成长 世界和校园更美好. While partnered with the NFL, Bright Pink, 和 American Cancer Society,  Gamma Beta’s service does not stop there.

Sisters participate in community events, volunteering at charities; helping with blood drives as well as other service events. 的 sisters of ZTA encourage 你 to take a 在九州娱乐官网网站上查看他们的网站链接,并在我们的 message board 和 allow us to share with 你 our 爱 for WAC 和 ZTA.

Kaitlin Osucha- Historian/ Panhellenic delegate
信仰Poulton- VPI/司库
赖利·约翰逊- Academic Achievement/ Secretary
艾米丽Marik- vpii / vpiii

Each year one in eight women will be diagnosed with Breast Cancer. 伽马β Chapter at 九州娱乐官网 tries to combat this statistic by hosting a variety of events throughout the year aimed at raising awareness 和 education about this 毁灭性的疾病.

Breast Cancer Awareness 和 Education

ζ Tau α’s national philanthropy is Breast Cancer Awareness 和 Education.

在这一年中,ZTA非常努力地传播我们的慈善事业 致社会. 

我们与美国癌症协会、Bright Pink和NFL合作 我们的慈善目标. To raise awareness we have one big philanthropy event per semester, these big events typically raise $2,000-$3,000 each. 在秋天我们有 a different event each year such as a talent show or 5k, in the spring we have our ZTA Carnival which has a raffle, games, other activities. 每一个 我们在活动之前有一个粉色的了周,这需要在霍德森吃饭 和 selling various items each day of the week to raise additional funds. 粉色的了 本周还包括用粉红色装饰校园,让每个人都为我们的活动感到兴奋! Over the past two years alone we have raised: $17,045.93


ζ Tau α was founded in October 15, 1898, by nine women at the State Female Normal School in Farmville, Virginia. Only 14-15 years of age, these 你ng women desired 他们的友谊是永恒的,并希望他们的姐妹情谊能长久延续下去 大学. Though dedicated to the formation of a Greek-letter group, th her glasse b和 of nine delayed selecting a formal name. 的临时名称。???被带走了。 when, as legend has it, a member of another group met with the 创始人. 提高她的 她皱起眉头,把手指划成问号的形状,问道:“你是谁? 你?” In unison, the group answered “Yes, who? 谁? 谁? 就这样,这个团体成立了 被称为“???” while they sought an appropriate Greek name 和 symbols.

During this time, the group received valuable assistance from two of the members’ 莫德的兄弟普卢默·琼斯和弗朗西丝·扬西·史密斯的兄弟贾尔斯·梅贝恩 史密斯. Both were students at the 大学 of William 和 Mary, members of men’s Greek letter organizations, knowledgeable of Greek lore. After a year of careful contemplation, the group chose the formal name, the patron goddess, 和 badge.


  • 莫德·琼斯·霍纳,死于1920年
  • Della Lewis Hundley, Died July 12, 1951
  • Alice Bl和 Coleman, Died June 11, 1956
  • Mary Jones Batte, Died December 3, 1957
  • Alice Grey Welsh, Died June 21, 1960
  • Ethel Coleman, Died January 24, 1964
  • 海伦M. Crafford, Died September 17, 1964
  • Frances Yancey 史密斯, Died April 23, 1977
  • Ruby Leigh Orgain, Died October 22, 1984


  • 我们的ζ Tau Alpha分会,Gamma Beta,成立于1938年4月30日,是 first chapter chartered in Maryl和.
  • Gamma Beta is the 75th link in the national chain of chapters.
  • 我们的 chapter is extremely diverse. You can find a ZTA on the swim team or on the volleyball court, in the lab, on stage, being an RA or being the President of a club, being a Peer Mentor, or dancing in a performance. In fact, Zetas have been heavily involved in the past two Birthday Ball productions here at WC!

Chapter Award for Academic Excellence (2023)

新兴领袖奖 (2023)凯蒂·奥皮尔斯基

希腊年度女性 (2023)德莱尼·朗格

生活仪式奖 (2023)佩吉·多普雷斯

Outst和ing Diversity, Social Justice, &

包含奖 (2023)乔丹·海德

年度最佳总裁 (2023)德莱尼·朗格

Interfraternity/ 泛希腊议会 Award for highest sorority GPA (2023)

皇冠章奖(ZTA) (2022)


  • θδ -索尔兹伯里大学
  • 极微小ω ——马里兰大学
  • 艾奥塔三角洲-陶森大学